Welcome to the Connecticut Science Center
You do not have to be a scientist – or a child – to enjoy the Connecticut Science Center. We open the doors of science to every visitor in an approachable, accessible way. Expanding scientific and technological discovery through increased knowledge, and even a future career, is at the very core of our mission, particularly for those who may believe that STEM success is beyond their reach. Our mission resonates in every person who walks through our doors, and in communities all across Connecticut. Inside the Science Center, you can experience an ever-changing variety of more than 165 interactive exhibits that involve you in everything from race cars to rocket ships, from strength in your muscles to wind in your sails, from brainwaves to butterflies to missions on Mars. Explore Our Changing Earth, watch a lively 3D movie and discover your own inspiration with friendly, knowledgeable staff in live science demonstrations. Our traveling exhibits and permanent exhibits evolve and change, which means you will always find something new to explore and enjoy.
The Connecticut Science Center inspires lifelong learning through interactive and innovative experiences that explore our changing world through science. Like our planet and our universe, our region is rich in diversity. We embrace those differences through our governance, our organization, and our work and among those we serve. We recognize that science, innovation, and technological progress rely on and best serve humanity from many perspectives. As our society, economy, and way of life become ever more reliant on broad engagement in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), we strive to connect people of all backgrounds and orientations with STEM.
We respect and value the scope of human diversity in its many dimensions. We strive to be welcoming and responsive to all those who engage with the Connecticut Science Center and those with whom we engage and seek to engage. These ideals are manifest in the Connecticut Science Center’s mission, vision, and strategic focus and planning. They are to be foundational, core attributes of the Science Center’s work and workings, considered routinely as a significant measure of the satisfaction of the Science Center’s purpose throughout its culture, organization, and activities.
We expect all guests to behave in a family-friendly manner. We ask you to respect our exhibits
and facilities as well as the experience of other visitors. Please refrain from running, yelling
or other disruptive behavior.
In order to advance our mission, the Connecticut Science Center reserves the right to refuse
service to those who act in ways, or who display any symbols or messages, that the Science
Center determines to be hostile, offensive, disorderly, discriminatory, sexist, racist, vulgar,
profane, or which are otherwise contrary to our family-friendly and inclusive environment.
Engaging in the behaviors listed below may result in your removal from the Science Center with no refund. Violations perceived as potentially criminal will be reported to local authorities.
- Offensive, abusive or threatening language or behavior towards other guests and/or Science Center staff
- Fighting, provoking a fight, or engaging in otherwise disorderly or boisterous conduct
- Tampering with, defacing, damaging, destroying and/or removing any Science Center property including exhibits and/or artifacts
- Unauthorized distribution of pamphlets or any other literature
- Interfering with or preventing the execution of duties by Science Center staff
- Loitering, gambling, selling, soliciting or campaigning
- Possession, use and/or sale of illegal drugs
- Possession of alcoholic beverages not sold on our premises
- Indecent exposure, sexual acts or other lewd behavior
- Smoking (including vapors & e-cigarettes) inside the Connecticut Science Center building, including the parking garage and within 25 feet of all entrances
- Eating and/or drinking in exhibits and other prohibited areas
- Bringing any prohibited items (listed below)
- Any other behavior determined by the Science Center staff to threaten the safety or enjoyment of our guests, staff and/or property
The Connecticut Science Center is dedicated to inspiring lifelong learning through interactive and innovative experiences that explore our changing world through science. We strive to create an engaging and sustainable science center that serves families and schools and significantly impacts student and adult learning in Connecticut. We seek to develop the minds of future thinkers and inventors who will compete in the ever-expanding global marketplace for technology and innovation. And we endeavor to create a Connecticut workforce that meets the projected growth of jobs in science-related fields.
Prohibited items and Activities – including, but not limited to
- Helium balloons and candles
- Pets are not permitted in the Science Center with the exception of service animals used for assistance by persons with disabilities.
- All recreational devices such as drones, remote control toys, skateboards and shoes with built-in wheels.
- Tripods and other professional photography equipment (without prior approval)
- Hazardous materials of any kind including explosives and fireworks
- Any other items deemed by Science Center staff to be dangerous or inappropriate in a public setting.
- Masks (other than health related face masks) may not be worn by guests 10 years or older unless part of a Science Center sponsored event
- The Connecticut Science Center reserves the right to search backpacks, purses and other bags
Weapons Policy
The Connecticut Science Center strictly prohibits possessing or using dangerous weapons* on the premises, including those concealed on one’s person or carried in bags. This policy applies to all who enter the premises, including visitors, guests, staff, and contract workers. A license to carry a weapon does not supersede this policy. Bags may be searched at the discretion of Safety/Security personnel. Law Enforcement, with proper identification, are exempt from this policy. If any weapons are observed, please notify Science Center Security.
*Dangerous weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, explosives, knives or other cutting instruments, facsimiles of weapons, and other objects that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm, including harm to exhibits.
Adult supervision
All guests under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while visiting the Science Center, without exception, and will not be admitted without adult accompaniment. Minor children should not be left unattended.
Attire – Dress Code
For your safety and in keeping with our family-friendly environment, the Science Center enforces a dress code. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at the Science Center at all times. Tattoos or clothing with offensive language or graphics is not permitted at any time. Examples of clothing not permitted are those which display:
- Profanity
- Pornography or other sexual material
- Violence
- Support of drugs or drug use
- Promoting discrimination against any group
We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider in violation of this policy or attire that could otherwise detract from the experience of other guests.
Photography and video
Visitors are welcome to photograph and video their experience for non-commercial use only. Commercial productions are required to obtain prior, written permission from Marketing and Communications Department.
Lost and Found
Any personal items found by staff will be held in the Security Office for up to 10 days. To follow up on lost items, please contact the Security Supervisor at 860-520-2155.
First Aid
There is a First Aid station on the Main Lobby Level. If medical assistance is needed please see a staff person or visit the Security Desk for assistance.
The Science Center has four wheelchairs available on a first come, first served basis. The wheelchairs are signed-out at the Security Kiosk on the Main Lobby Level.
Additional policies
The Connecticut Science Center reserves the right to add, withdraw or modify these terms and other policies as it deems in its best interests to do so.