Why You Should Visit the Science Center: A Persuasive Essay

I think the CT Science Center is the best place to go. It is not only fun for grown ups, it’s fun for kids too! Everyone should learn to appreciate science. And lastly they sometimes even do a special exhibit which is super fun. There is even a 3d movie and you wear 3d glasses. And it looks 3d!

The CT Science Center is in Connecticut. You can learn about music, the human body, and physics. There is a space section too. In the space section, there is a rocket game. In it there is also a rover game and a thing that lets you see stuff about the sun. For example, while a kid is looking at the exhibit about the sun, the grow up can learn about the sun with their kid.

Everyone should appreciate Science. A science center is nothing without Science. There are sections with science and physics. In the space section is where you can feel how heavy soup is on different planets. Also, you can find these rockets that you can launch. You fill them with air then BOOM! The rocket launches up high then slowly glides down then stops so you can do it again.

Lastly, the exhibits at the Science Center are really fun. For example, if you ever wanted to see a race with cubes, well there is one section where you build a car out of these cubes and you race it down a ramp. Also, there is a LEGO section where you build a car out of LEGOs and race it. There is also a section with these foam cubes and noodles that you build with. You can actually build on the walls because there are hard cylinders so the cubes with holes can fit on the wall. Another great exhibit we found was the 3D movie.

So, whenever you are bored and have time, you should go to the Connecticut Science Center. These are the reasons why I think you should go to the CT Science Center and make sure to bring your kids and your desire to learn. One more thing if you are ever hungry or thirsty there are vending machines on the bottom floor and a Subway. If you wanted to see an elevator go up and down the Science Center of Connecticut is where it’s at!

If this essay persuaded you to make the Connecticut Science Center a destination for you and your family, you can find more information about our exhibits and upcoming events on our website, CTScienceCenter.org.

