Energy City
Wind turbines, solar panels, hydropower and fuel cells are just a few of the alternative energy technologies you will discover in Energy City. As you tour this model city, add up the savings of “smart energy” behaviors, and measure how your energy uses affect our planet.
Supported by
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a U.S. Department on Energy Laboratory
Energize Connecticut
F.W. Webb Company/ Frank Webb Bath Supply
Connecticut Lighting Centers
Exhibit Highlights

An Architect’s Energy Planner
Buildings use more than one-third of our nation’s energy. Explore the sustainable design of this library.

Light Power
Spin a crank to see which types of lightbulbs are most efficient.

Power Up Energy City
Map the paths of electricity through a model of a city, including some of Hartford’s most recognizable buildings.

The Power of Numbers
Every little bit of fossil fuel you save counts. Calculate your carbon footprint and explore goals you can set to reduce that number.