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Genome in Me

Genome in me

Explore what makes us­—us in this immersive exhibition that invites visitors to take a closer look at the cutting-edge science of genomics. Visitors will discover how we are both unique and connected to others because of our genome. A genome is a unique set of genetic instructions that contain all of the information needed to build and develop any organism. It is what makes us all human. Explored through fun, interactive experiences, visitors of all ages will learn about DNA in exciting new ways as they help solve a crime, journey into a cell, and branch out to learn more about ancestry and inheritance.

Supported by

Chase-Bear-Dyer Family
The Jackson Laboratory

Exhibit Highlights


Ancestry Tree

DNA analysis can be used to understand our ancestry, to reveal or reconstruct our past, and to provide a deeper connection to the human population. Visitors will learn about real people who have made discoveries about their origins, family relations, or heritage discovered through public DNA databases.



Everywhere we go, we leave part of our DNA behind. Our DNA can uniquely identify each of us as individuals and become an essential tool in criminal investigations. Step into the shoes of a forensic investigator to help solve a crime and examine how DNA evidence can be used to identify or eliminate suspects in a case


Genetic Engineering

Decoding the genome has opened up new opportunities for personalized healthcare, but genetics is only one piece of the puzzle. Understanding genomics and genetics is empowering and can help inform your health-related decisions.


The Cell

Step inside a larger-than-life cell and discover the home of the genome.


The Food We Eat

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are organisms that have had their genetic code changed in some way. Find out how this affects the food we eat.