Take 10: Inquiry Through Play

Last month we shared with you a post written by one of our professional learning specialists about the use of inquiry at home to learn science. As a continuation of that conversation, he is an article highlighting the importance of Play on inquiry. This is helpful for those of you on double time with kids at home, but also those of us planning for next year!

Inquiry Through Play

Supporting the Scientific Thinking and Inquiry of Toddlers and Preschoolers through Play

Becky Fahey is a Professional Development Specialist at the Connecticut Science Center’s Mandell Academy for Teachers. Previously, she has worked as a preK-3 educator in various public school districts in Eastern Connecticut where she designed and implemented inquiry based lessons in the classroom. Becky brings with her expertise in collaboration and inquiry based teaching and will apply these skills to help educators to deepen their understanding of NGSS and apply best practices to support their learners in the classroom.


