Science Sunday: Heart Health

In this week’s Science Sunday segment, Mark Dixon mimics how fast a heart must work to pump blood to all the body’s extremities like your fingers and toes. The heart is an essential organ for our bodies to function properly. In just one minute, your heart pumps between a gallon to a gallon and a half of blood, or even more when you’re exercising. We rely on our hearts to pump oxygen-rich blood through our bodies and carry away waste in the form of CO2. Our hearts must even be strong enough to pump blood up from the legs against gravity. Be sure to eat plenty of healthy, nutrient-dense foods and get plenty of daily exercises to keep your heart super strong and healthy!

There is so much more Science Sunday to explore. Check out the full gallery of segments on our blog:

a woman taking a selfie

Erica Presbie is a Community Engagement and Marketing Intern at the Connecticut Science Center. She is a senior Marketing major at Endicott College and enjoys participating in the collegiate dance club as well as teaching kids dance classes in her free time.

