Science At Play: Fall Scavenger Hunt

Ok, we know it snowed a few days ago, but we are still right in the middle of fall- one of the most colorful times of year in New England. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. It is warm enough during the day to go on outside adventures, but cool enough at night that I can burrow under some blankets. Go for a nice walk in the cool, fresh, fall air and see if you can find some of the things on our scavenger hunt!

Take it outside with this Fall Findings Scavenger Hunt (Download your own copy below). See how many items you can find in your very own back yard.

Download Here

This content was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Share your findings and drawings with us by tagging us with #ScienceAtPlay and #CTScienceCenter, we would love to see what you find!

Jessie Scott is a STEM Educator who enjoys encouraging students’ enthusiasm for science. She teaches classes to students visiting the Science Center and brings STEM lessons to schools across Connecticut. Jessie completed her Master of Science degree in Microbiology at Dartmouth College and worked as a science educator at the Montshire Museum of Science before coming to the Connecticut Science Center. Her scientific interests are: biology – how living things have adapted different strategies to survive in their environments, insects, and plants. In her free time, Jessie likes to go rock climbing, hiking, and skiing.

