Young Inventor Spotlight: Virginia & the Water Dolly

Here at the Connecticut Science Center, we are so proud to partner with Connecticut Invention Convention to highlight kid inventors from around our state. Throughout the year, we spotlight students who have participated in Connecticut Invention Convention in our Invention Dimension gallery. We are so excited that we can highlight these amazing students in a series of inspiring recorded conversations.

This month, we are spotlighting Virginia and her invention, the Water Dolly. Virginia is a very impressive young inventor who was inspired to create her invention while sitting in her playroom.

If you want to see Virginia’s prototype in person, check out our Invention Dimension gallery during your next visit to the Connecticut Science Center.

For more information on the Connecticut Invention Convention, visit their website at

a woman in a blue shirt

Katelyn Rutty is the Communications Manager at the Connecticut Science Center where she manages all of the online content platforms. She has a Master’s in Business Administration from Western New England University.

