
Science Stories

Science Stories

Archimedes the Mathematician

Like the number Pi, his influence lives on FOREVER π ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264338327950… Close your eyes.  Block out all of the noise around you.  You know

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Science Stories

A Few Pieces of Pi!

Pi Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. It ranks right up there with the Fourth of July and Christmas. It is a

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STEM News Highlights

Rebuilding Marine Life Worldwide

Around 1844,  the Great Auk, a flightless bird, disappeared from Earth. Found in the North Atlantic, the seabird was hunted out of existence. Though it

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STEM News Highlights

Backyard Digs

“Some [archaeological] sites are found by luck or by accident,” writes Sarah Parcak, in her book Archaeology from Space. For example, in 1900 “a donkey

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STEM News Highlights

The Volume of the Ocean

Walking up the stairs in the Deep Sea section of Science Alley, you might notice calming ocean sounds, but is it always this relaxing below

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Science Stories

Shopping to Support Sustainability

In the midst of climate change, a growing plastic pollution crisis, and depleting natural resources, it seems like an obvious decision to rethink our consumption

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Science Stories

Fighting Fire with Fire

With seemingly non-stop fires raging, it’s hard to remember when people’s homes, the rainforest, kangaroos, or California’s wine country weren’t being threatened. Lately, the conversation

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STEM News Highlights

Relieving Climate Anxiety

Before the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service began air-dropping food in Yengo National Park and other sites ravaged by fire, prompting viral

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