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STEM Career Showcases

STEM Career Showcases

The STEM Career Showcase is a conference-style event for middle and high school students—students will engage with STEM professionals through remote, virtual conversations or in-person, hands-on activities at the Science Center. Presenters inspire students to pursue STEM jobs and illuminate exciting STEM opportunities. To fully demonstrate the wealth and accessibility of employment possibilities in our students’ home state, we feature a diverse array of presenters from a wide range of fields.


Our STEM Career Showcases have been designed and tailored to Middle and High School students.

past showcase presenters

  • Stanley Black & Decker
  • Cognizant
  • The Hartford
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Pfizer
  • Burns & McDonnell
  • Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
  • Hartford HealthCare
  • Tilcon Connecticut
  • The Jackson Laboratory

Presented By


Tuesday, December 3, 2024Book Now

Contact Us

For all inquiries and bookings
(860) 520-2104
Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM