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Professional Learning Services

Building Tomorrow's Workforce
An externship experience for educators, school counselors, and administrators
What is it?
In collaboration with the Connecticut State Department of Education and the ReadyCT initiative of Connecticut Business and Industry Association, we are providing a FREE professional learning opportunity for CTE Teachers, School Counselors, and Administrators to work together to gather insight into the current workforce. Through this opportunity, you can strengthen your classroom lessons by bringing relevant, real-world context back. By participating in a program like this, your team will have the ability to impact anywhere from 20-200 students each year.
How will we spend our time?
Your district team made up of district staff will participate in four half day seminar sessions and at least three on site externship days. The seminar sessions will be spread out over the 2021-2022 school year. The externship placement days will take place over three windows of time, or at the discretion of district and industry partners.
How can my school apply?
Our first cohort is currently participating in seminar sessions and onsite workdays at local businesses to learn applicable workforce needs. Applications for our next cohort will begin in fall 2021.
How is this funded?
Through the Perkin V act of 2018. All costs, including substitute teachers, will be covered for schools receiving funding.
What types of Industry will we focus on?
STEM, Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Health Sciences.

Interested in learning more?
Contact with questions and check back for future updates.